“I’m reading Bob in the garden and on the mountain top, I’m reading Bob in the bathroom and in underwater caves too, I’m reading Bob on the seesaw and bobsledding, I’m reading Bob downtown and uptown, even if my town doesn’t have an uptown, I’m reading Bob with my headphones on and blindfolded, I’m reading Bob in my wheelchair, bobbing up and down the streets, I’m reading Bob standing on my head and tiptoeing too, I’m reading Bob in India, even though I’ve never been to India, I’m reading Bob in the kurhaus, sporting my bob, yessiree, Bob, and I’m reading Bob dancing, singing, chanting and drinking and abstaining too, I’m reading Bob when I’m sad with the world, and when I want to be touched by the world, and I’m reading Bob when I’m ecstatic with world, I’m reading Bob, and so should you.”
– Christophe Keller